As the summer holidays approach the major thing that's on the mind of a child is, "What's next? What will I do this summer?" This thought has to be catered to, by considering that each child is unique and a different individual than the other one. So the most important thing to know is what interests a particular child. It could be art, games, traveling etc.
This is important, as in a school, all children learn the same curriculum as the other, but what distinguishes them is the different level of interests they have and whether or not these have been encouraged in their growing years. Considering this, the summer vacation is the best time to hone their skills, which in the future will help them stand out as different and versatile individuals. There are numerous activities from which one can pick and choose depending upon their age and interests some of them are as follows:
Gardening: This is seen to make children realize the importance of trees and other flora, giving them a personal introduction to the beauty in nature, while making them appreciate the environment.
Camping: Hike to some place with your kid and camp their, along with this you can teach them how to click photographs or ask them to voice record every sound around the camp side. This is good training for your child's observation and travel skills.
Crafts: A child could make a craft each day which could help them to explore their creative sight. Craft and art books and guides are available at most stationary stores and on the internet.
Summer Sports: You should introduce this concept where a child is required to explore a new sport and then learn it. This idea of summer games for kids is inexhaustible and continuously enjoyable.
Treasure Hunt: Design a treasure hunt for your kids with the help of a string of interesting clues, one leading to the other, a prize at the end.
Zoo visit: If your kids haven't visited a zoo take them to one in your city. It again expands their horizon by allowing them to observe other species in nature.
Scrapbook: Ask them to make a scrap book of every thing they do this summer. This not only hones your child's creative skills but also evolves their thought processes and finally becomes a lover memoir of his/her young days.
Reading books: This is a great habit but parents face a problem with young children here. The problem is that children are bored with reading in school. To initiate them into this habit, ask them to compare a book and the movie adapted from it. This makes reading a fun activity.
Perspective drawing: Ask your kids to draw their own home. This again does good to their thought processes.
Learn a foreign language: This would provide them an insight on a different culture apart from their own and also equip them better for their future in the world.
Go to a concert or a cricket match: This would make them enjoy their holidays to the hilt and also understand concepts like team spirit, determination, hard work, etc.
Visit a national park: This will make them realize how different animals survive in a jungle. It is great insight into life not only for kids but for all.
Make their own band: If the kids are interested in music encourage them to make their own. They could build their own band and 'jam'. This is great fun and more productive than being pinned to the television all summer.
It is exposures such as these, along with an education that finally make children well rounded individuals.