Can you really make 5 gift baskets for kids so quickly? You definitely can, and what more, there will still be time left over to wrap them all and hide them before the children arrive. So what is the trick to making gift baskets for kids in 10 minutes?
The secret is: organization.
Organization is a big word and I would like to split it into 4 key ingredients:
*Make a list.
*Buy everything on time.
*Work in an orderly manner and according to a clear plan.
*Always be ready for surprises.
One of the things I have discovered in the past several years is that when I want to do something in the spur of the moment, I should always invest in preparations. Then, when the moment of truth arrives (when I must make the Present for kids), what I am left to deal with will be very little and very easy.
If I know that I will anyway have to present a number of gift baskets for kids, such as at birthday parties, I will sit down once time and make a detailed list.
The list for the Present for kids:
My daughter- the fairy chest.
My son-the buried treasure.
My nephew - a creative kit.
My niece-a box of sweet jewelry.
Present container
Central item
2nd Item
3rd Item
4th Item
*Of course, I add or remove rows as needed
*I keep a box full of wrapping paper is always ready, and every so often, I refresh it with ribbons or new wrapping paper.
*I buy the items on different opportunities or when there are sales when I am shopping anyway, or in bulk through the internet.
You probably already understand how easy it will be to make gift baskets for kids for future birthdays.
There are times, when I need to make a number of gift baskets for kids all at once. During the holidays, for example, I act in such a manner.
The difference is that I make a number of identical gift baskets for kids, thereby further simplifying the preparation.
This time, my table for the Presents will look like this:
Presents for the date of:
Present container
3 colorful boxes
Central item
3 race cars
3 animal stickers
2nd item
3rd item
4th item
Presents for the date of:
Present container
2 straw baskets
Central item
2 small dolls
2 sets of children makeup
2nd item
3rd item
4th item
Again, I can add or remove rows according to the number of necessary items
If dealing with gift baskets for kids that are made up of candy, the lists become even simpler.
Once everything on the list is checked off, making the gift baskets for kids takes but a moment.
*There is no more need to run between stores at the last minute
*There is no need to compromise on some random present.
*There is no need to worry or stress
Suddenly, you will see how using this method, you will easily be able to make even 5 great gift baskets for kids in only 10 minutes.