Buying presents for kids seems to get more difficult each year. As life moves at internet speeds and kid fashions seem to change every day, almost the only way to find something unique for those special children in your life is by personalizing gifts. Regardless of whether you're finding kids for your children, grandchildren or nieces and nephews, and regardless of what the occasion is, such as a birthday, Christmas, a visit or simply because you were thinking about them, having a personalized gift isn't just something they'll toss in a drawer. There are many good reasons why you should consider personalized rather than generic presents for children.
Children Want Memories
Butlins Holiday company surveyed a thousand children and discovered that over 40% of them would prefer to spend time with their families during Christmas holidays over getting a present and 25% of the kids surveyed looked forward to holiday visits from distant family members over receiving presents as well.
Impersonal gifts don't make children happier. A survey reported by the BBC that was conducted by UNICEF states that, "All children interviewed said that material goods did not make them happy." What children want is quality time and a sense that you cherish them as individuals. When they get gifts that are personalized, they also get that feel you're taking the time and effort to care about who they are instead of just grabbing a gift off some store shelf.
Children Lose, Borrow, and Sometimes Steal
When you invest your time and money in selecting the perfect present for a child, you want to make sure the child can cherish the present and its associated memories. The reality though, is that children are prone to losing things. Even worse, especially since more children own personal electronic devices, children`s possession are increasingly likely to be stolen or borrowed at not returned at school, camp, and parties. Kids also tend to lose things by accident. When you select personalized gifts, you're ensuring the gift is clearly identified as belonging to that child which means it's less likely to be stolen, which isn't the case with generic gifts.
Personalizing gifts doesn`t limit your choices. You will have options like beanbag chairs, pencils and pens, jewelry, duffel bags, towels and blankets, water bottles and many, many more. Get creativae and have fun making a child feel special by giving them something unique and memorable.
There are many great ideas for personalized gifts for kids out there and these are just a few that will have them excited to open your gift.